Addresses: System-wide use of districts in addresses

In the ERP software tacoss.eTRADE the program window for administrating places was extended a few months ago by the property "Ortsteil (district)". The various methods for setting the addresses in documents generally also take into account the district of a city (in the menu "General \ Address \ Places"). This is shown above the line with the street and the house number which results in the following structure of an address:

Domestic address

Tacoss Software GmbH

Christian Tank


Albert-Einstein-Ring 15

22761 Hamburg

Foreign address

Wiebke tams

Branch DK


Wiesenallee 121

1234 Copenhagen


The display and active use of the district in the various program windows was completed systematically with this version.

In the following, the usability of the local part is explained in detail with reference to some examples.

Display in search & selection windows

For example, if a user selects a location by pressing the F5 key or by clicking on the "binocular" button next to the input field to select a location, the "Selection Criteria" tab displays the name of the location as well as search criteria for entering the district. This input field no longer has to be selected manually from the columns of the "Location" table.

Display columns in search & selection windows

If places are represented as part of a reference or directly in tabular overviews (for example, the list of customer accounts in the customer), the district is always included in these properties.

The column "Hausanschrift" is a reference information to the customer. The location is displayed in a column in the form "PLZ Ort-Ortsteil". The columns "Plz", "Ort" and "Ortsteil" are the properties of the direct reference "Ort" from the address of the account. They are displayed separately in individual columns.

Display in program windows

In some program windows (for example in the order window or in the contract window), addresses are displayed in multiline text fields.

When the addresses are processed, the district of the corresponding location is displayed above the line with the street and the house number.

Text-based searches for places in program fields

In many program windows, locations are entered via the respective zip code or by using search windows.

However, the user select locations even quicker. In addition to the postal code, you can also enter the location or district in the text field. If several locations match, they are displayed in a selection dialog box which pops up.

If, for example, the location "22761 Hamburg-Bahrenfeld" is to be entered, the user can select the location "Hamburg", the district "Bahrenfeld" or a text sequence such as " Ham * Bahr "into the text field. It is enough to enter only part of the text.

If you want to search for both properties (town and district), you must enter a "*" (asterisk to the left of the ENTER or RETURN key) between the individual text sequences (for example, "Ham * Bahr").

For a text input, the system searches for the respective location in the database by comparing the entered search text with the database columns ORT.BEZEICHNUNG and ORT.ORTSTEIL, as well as the concatenation of both columns with a space (IDENTIFIER LOCATION).

The consideration of the district in the various program windows has been implemented systematically for displaying, entering and selecting  data.
