Automatic billing

After recording transactions using the order management of tacoss.eTRADE many of those need to be settled. So far users were responsible for printing invoices, credits and other bills either by using an immediate printing functionality or by selecting a corresponding form in a print preview window.


For many users this was a repetitive activity every day. It took a lot of time. The automatic billing in form of batch processing saves time.

An RMI-based server service has been completely redeveloped for the cyclical, timed billing in the ERP software tacoss.eTRADE.


The server service works cyclically with predefined waiting and rest periods or extensive variants (days, weeks, months). Several action phases are run through and individual background processes are used for printing:


Je aktiviertem Mandanten werden abzurechnende Aufträge bzw. Kontrakte ermittelt, entsprechende Abrechnungen erstellt und für den digitalen Dokumentenversand über Druckakten verzögert freigegeben. Zuständige Vertreter erhalten entsprechende E-Mails zu Abrechnungen und abgelehnten Positionen.

Sending the current status of the day

Once a day, the server service sends an email to selected recipients with the status report of the server service detailing the billing, rejected items, billed contracts, warnings and errors, and the server address, provided the mailing is enabled.

Automated billing is a big step forward for your organization in terms of digitizing processes.
