Extensive search functions are available to users in tacoss.eTRADE. This can be very simple search queries, but also extensive, cross-table search queries.
Using appropriate search and selection windows, simple search queries can be carried out using selection criteria. The search query relates to tables with the associated reference tables.

When calling up a search or selection window or restricting a hit list in a corresponding query area, it may be necessary to filter the data records to be displayed using a property that does not belong to the selection table directly or to a subordinate reference table. For example, the user would like to narrow down an order for an article or a warehouse, search for a transport order based on a transport delivery or find an order for an invoice number.

Nested SQL query
With the help of a nested SQL query, it is possible to carry out a complex limitation and still only display each data record (orders or contracts) once in the tabular overview (hit list). For example, if a contract is narrowed down for all acceptances in a given period, but multiple acceptances of the same contract fall within the period, the contract would normally appear multiple times in the hit list. Nesting solves this problem. The user can continue to select the contract as usual and transfer it to the respective program window.
However, if the user wishes to have all columns and all found data records displayed so that they can be exported to a text file or a spreadsheet for further processing, this is also possible!