Watch services in tacoss.eTRADE

A special RMI-based server service is available for permanent monitoring of directories and files including processing in the ERP software tacoss.eTRADE. The service must be installed on a server or computer which can access the tacoss.eTRADE system environment (explicitly the database and the system directories) as well as the specified file directories with appropriate system and file rights.
The server service works cyclically with predefinable waiting and resting times or extensive variants (days, weeks, months). It uses various background processes that are started in parallel and also goes through several action phases.


With the help of the corresponding action classes, a wide variety of watch services can be set up for tacoss.eTRADE application areas. These watch services all have a common goal: the automation of processes. We present some of these services to you in this article.


"With this technology you achieve the optimal automation of your processes.

Somit unterstützen wir Sie dabei, Ihre Prozesskosten nachhaltig zu senken."


Christian Tank (Managing Director, Tacoss Software GmbH)

DB import files

The system area in the ERP software tacoss.eTRADE contains program windows and functions for exporting and importing any data records from or into the database.

A watch service is available for reading data records from files based on the import and export functionality.

For each recognized file, the watch service checks whether the values for the import setup and the table can be determined from the file name using a regular expression. Otherwise the import setup must be determined from the service parameters.

In this way, the watch service can either be set up for exactly one table or as a collective service for any import configurations and tables.

External orders and order items

The integrated order management in the ERP software tacoss.eTRADE contains an area for importing external transactions (orders and order items) via the IRIS interface.
A watch service can be used to read in external transactions from files via the IRIS interface and optionally transfer the data to order management.
This watch service supports automated order processing. Files can also be read in multiple times. Existing import records that are neither blocked nor already transferred to order management are updated with the data from the file.

Slots for contracts

Reading in contract slots from files and assigning them to contracts is possible using a watch service.

If several business partners, in particular goods recipients, send files with contract slots that also differ from one another in structure, it is recommended to create several directories. These can be configured separately as independent watch services. As soon as received files are copied into the directories, the watch server recognizes them and reads them in separately. The different structure of the data lines is taken into account individually. In addition, a different contract customer can be specified for each WatchService.

Reading in contract slots from files and assigning them to contracts supports the manual entry of the contract slots within the contract window. Incorrect contract slots can also be easily removed afterwards.

Fuel data

The integrated fuel station connection in the ERP software tacoss.eTRADE contains an area for importing fuel movements via various interfaces and file formats.

A watch service can be used to read in fuel movements from files.

For each recognized file, this checks whether the values for the fuel station and the billing date can be determined from the file name using a regular expression. Otherwise, the fuel station must be determined from the service parameters and the billing date must be set either to the current date or to the date on which the file was changed.

In this way, the watch service can be set up either for exactly one filling station or as a collective service for any filling station. The file format of the tank movements to be imported is determined from the database using the recording method in the tank station.

Laboratory data

The laboratory data acquisition in the ERP software tacoss.eTRADE offers the possibility of reading in laboratory data in XML format and making it available directly as a laboratory sample in tacoss.eTRADE. The basic requirement for this is a laboratory device that stores the laboratory data determined in an XML file.

Transport orders and deliveries

The tacoss.eTRUCK module in the tacoss.eTRADE ERP software contains structures and processing runs for importing transport orders and deliveries.
A corresponding watch service can be used to read in transport orders and deliveries via the IRIS interface from files and transfer the data to the scheduling department.

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