Regulation (EU) 2019 / 1148 for all actors in the fertilizer supply chain

All actors in the fertilizer supply chain, from producers to professional users, must comply with the new regulation on the marketing and use of precursors for explosives. This was issued by the European Union in the fight against the criminal use of fertilizers. This new regulation came into force in February 2021.

Essentially, for the business relationships of agricultural traders, it means that customer declarations must be available, which must show the intended use of fertilizers containing ammonium nitrate (> 16% ammonium nitrate).


The requirements can be implemented system-supported with tacoss.eTRADE.


What should I do?

Inform & prompt

Inform your business partners and ask them to fill out the customer declaration. Every customer who purchases products containing ammonium nitrate must provide this information annually and before the first purchase agreement in a year.

Send document

Send the customer declaration form available in tacoss.eTRADE using the various shipping options available to you in tacoss.eTRADE. A barcode facilitates the correct allocation via the inbound archive during the subsequent data acquisition.

submit information

Necessary customer information is

  • the sales tax identification number or another identification number of the company,
  • the ID number including the issuing authority of the authorized representative and the contact persons commissioned by him,
  • the address of the company and the division.

This information is entered by your customers in the customer declaration and made available to you.

Collect data

After returning the customer declaration, various functionalities enable you to record the data efficiently. In addition, you can use drag & drop to store documents in the relevant program windows for the customer or customer account.

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