Processing of commissions

Arbeiten Sie mit Kontrakten?
Bekommen Sie einige Geschäfte von Maklern vermittelt, welche hierfür von Ihnen eine Provision erhalten?
Benötigen Sie einen Überblick über die bereits über eine Provisionszahlung abgerechneten Kontraktmengen?


The new module "Contract Commission Settlement" supports you in the settlement and monitoring of the commission payments to your brokers. Find out here how easily it can be implemented.

1. Master data

Create the articles as usual. Please note that these must be service articles that are not taken into account in inventory management. Transaction types can be created for credit memos and invoices.

2. Settings in the contract

Generating a commission order directly from the contract is quick and secure. Remember to enter the broker and also the commission rate and the price unit for the commission.

3. Commission order from the contract

Of course, you can also enter commissions manually using order management. But today we are introducing you to the faster and easier variant with the help of the contract.

Billing can either be done manually using printruns or using batch billing.

A detailed documentation of this module license can be found in our manual.

An alternative to this variant of commission accounting is processing via goods cost types. However, this variant is only available if provision bookings have been activated.


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