Team portrait: Apprentice Jana Hauschild

Jana Hauschild

Future IT specialist for system integration

When the PC goes on strike, she's there to help

My job at Tacoss

As a trainee, I get to know all of the company's systems and tools. I set up the systems and computers internally and do research on new tools that we can use.


Mein Spezialgebiet
Ein richtiges "Spezialgebiet" habe ich noch nicht. Mit "Docker" habe ich mich allerdings schon intensiv auseinandergesetzt. Docker ist eine Software, die Container-Virtualisierungen von Anwendungen ermöglicht.


That's what I like about Tacoss

I feel that I am in good hands here, everyone has an open ear for me, there is a good you atmosphere. I also think the flexitime model is good: It doesn't bother anyone if I come a few minutes later and stay longer. I also think it's great that a colleague can bring his dog.


I can't live without

The people who are important to me. Fresh air.


Das mache ich gern in meiner Freizeit
Windsurfen, Bogenschießen und Mountainbike fahren.


I am good at

When I get a task, I follow it up until it is completed. If I want to learn something, I do everything to make it work.

Das kann ich nicht so gut

Manchmal versteife ich mich auf eine Sache oder beschäftige mich viel zu lange damit.


That's important to me

My friends, my family and my pets.


I am proud of

I admitted to myself that studying was not for me and started an apprenticeship.

I admitted to myself that studying is not for me

and started an apprenticeship.

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