Articles tagged "reporting"

20. July 2015
In the query windows (in the menu: "Report \ Ware") from the perspective of customers, customer accounts, agents, companies, articles and sustainability are areas for the presentation of the individual and group contracts included. From the displayed contracts in the results list, the user can double-click with the left mouse button to switch directly to the contract management, for example, to view the individual acceptances or the rate allocation. Changes can be made by the user ...

30. June 2015
In the area of ​​contract management in the menu "Contracts \ Processing \ Contracts", the print preview window contains, among other things, the evaluation "Contract / Stock Commitment". This list in the high-side Din A4 format compares the planned and open quantities and prices of the buying and selling contracts below the item-related stocks and calculates the long / short position including the gross profit. The contract-based evaluation was conducted in terms of ...

06. May 2015
The program module for editing and managing sustainability in tacoss.eTRADE has its own query and administration portal. This is in the menu "Report \ Commodity \ Sustainability". Behind the "mass balance system" section is the tabular overview for the evaluation and analysis of stock and article-related mass balances.