

With E-POST, Deutsche Post offers its customers comprehensive products and services for digital life and work.

The wide range of constantly evolving solutions in the areas of communication, transactions and processes have, above all, one goal: to make it as simple and convenient as possible for the users.

E-POST partner


The new E-POSTBUSINESS API has been successfully integrated into our software so that we can offer our customers a qualified service for sending E-POST letters.

E-POST partner certificate for the year 2022

Functionality of the E-POSTBUSINESS API

Durch den gemeinsamen Einsatz der E-POSTBUSINESS API und tacoss.ePRINT erreichen Sie einen hohen Automatisierungsgrad und vereinfachen Ihre Prozesse. Es können sämtliche Belege, die in den Tacoss Modulen anfallen, berücksichtigt und als Brief verschickt werden.

Thanks to the software-controlled, structured collection and bundling of documents, you will always be charged for the optimal postage.

Individual settings options in tacoss.ePRINT allow you to optimize the postage even further by, for example, specifying that the documents are to be printed on both sides.

The documents are handed over digitally/electronically to Deutsche Post via the web service interface. The delivered letters will be further optimized by Deutsche Post and finally sent electronically by E-Postal Mail or by postman in the classical way.


The interface is continuously developed by E-POST and currently offers the following functionalities:

Classic mail delivery

Delivery of "E-POSTBRIEFEN" to classic postal addresses.

  • Print in color or black / white
  • Single / double-sided printing (simplex / duplex)
  • All variants of registered mail (registered mail, registered mail delivered to mailbox, personal registered mail, registered mail and advice of delivery, registered mail with advice of delivery to the addressee only)
  • Optional cover sheet for sending documents without own address (eg presentations, flyers, terms and conditions, etc.)
  • Automated format verification of delivered letters according to DIN5008
  • Flexible authentication procedures for transmitting the login data


Die Preisvorteile liegen auf der Hand, insbesondere im Hinblick auf den gemeinsamen Einsatz der E-POSTBUSINESS API und tacoss.ePRINT, da die softwaregesteuerte, strukturierte Sammlung und Bündelung der Dokumente Ihre Portogebühren optimal berechnet.

dp-epost-price-list-epost-business-api- 0
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 78.9 KB

Our vendor ID

Wenn Sie die E-POSTBUSINESS API nutzen möchten, können Sie einfach die Vendor ID T0821086181H eingeben.


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