Ist es Dein Ziel, bereits während der Studienzeit viel Berufserfahrung zu sammeln und Dich damit optimal auf das Berufsleben vorzubereiten? Interessierst Du dich neben der Informatik auch für die wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen in Unternehmen?
As a cooperation partner of the Duale Hochschule Schleswig-Holstein (DHSH), we offer the dual study program in business informatics. The practice-oriented courses at the university are closely linked to your tasks at our company. You will quickly learn how to master business challenges with modern IT solutions. In addition to the bachelor's degree, you can also obtain a state-recognized professional qualification.
At our location in Flensburg you are right in the middle of the software development of our products and solutions. Here you will become part of a team that can draw on many years of experience in the development of complex, platform-independent ERP applications, web portals and mobile apps for medium-sized companies.
“Use the optimal constellation to link theory with practice. In our small team you will be challenged from day one and integrated into exciting projects. "
Torben Ulrich, Software developer and trainer, Tacoss Software GmbH
Theory & Practice