Working student


Are you considering gaining initial practical experience as a working student alongside your studies? At our Flensburg location, we work in a family atmosphere with short communication channels and quick decisions. Thanks to the industry specialization and our wide range of software, you can gain a lot of insights into modern software development and business processes.


„Es ist eine tolle Möglichkeit für mich, die Theorie mit der Praxis zu verknüpfen. Unser Team ist einfach klasse, man wird gefordert, kann kreativ sein und sich einbringen.“

Sascha Repenning

Working student, Applied Computer Science

  • As a registered student in the field of computer science
    you will gain specialist practical experience in an IT company.
  • You will get detailed insights into the world of business software development.
  • You expand your qualifications in terms of subject-specific areas but also in terms of working with teammates.
  • You organize your working hours flexibly and simply work a little more during the semester break.
  • We benefit from your basic knowledge of the front-end development of web developments and your knowledge of the programming languages TypeScript and JavaScript and of web design (HTML5 & CSS / SASS).
  • Perhaps you already have experience with frameworks such as Angular (2 +), RxJS and Ionic.
  • We are always on the lookout for well-trained theorists.
  • We can use new ideas, lots of ideas and lots of ambition.
  • We can integrate you into the project work and set realistic goals.
  • We would be happy if you could support us on average 20 hours per week.
